
Online Learning - Unit 1


  1. Watch the video.
  2. Take the quiz.
  3. Check the transcript if necessary.

Transcript (read after taking the quiz)

Man: Hi, I'm Tom. Nice to meet you.

Woman: Hi, I'm Mary. Nice to meet you too.

Man: What are you studying, Mary?

Woman: Business. How about you?

Man: Uhh..I'm not a student.

Woman: Oh, what do you do?

Man: I'm a professor.

Woman: Oh…

Man: So what year are you in?

Woman: I'm a freshman.

Man: I see. Do you like your classes?

Woman: Yeah, they're okay.

Man: So, what do you like to do in your free time?

Woman: Uhh… I like to play tennis. And you?

Man: I like surfing.

Woman: Great.

Man: Well, nice meeting you, Mary.

Woman: You, too.